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CLOSED position: SPM Technician – InCAEM SPM platform

We are currently looking  for a technician in Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM). The position is funded by the ICMAB with the Infrastructure for Correlative Analysis of Energy Materials (InCAEM) project, within the Advanced Materials program of the “Planes Complementarios de I+D+I of the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia” (PRTR), under Institutional Agreement.

The group has recently acquired two Park FX40  multipurpose atomic force microscopes (mp-AFMs), which are part of a SPM platform to be installed in a dedicated laboratory at the ALBA facility. The objective of the SPM platform of InCAEM is to offer a wide range of correlative advanced characterization of materials by means of a variety of operation modes and under different operation environments. The high flexibility of the mp-AFM will permit correlative experiments with specific beamlines of the synchrotron ALBA.

Main Tasks and responsibilities:

– Participating in the installation of the mp-AFMs and supplies systems.
– Commissioning of the instruments, including one inside a GloveBox (MBraun).
– Testing the different operation modes under diverse environmental conditions to assure full functionality.
– Adapting and optimizing user-friendly operation protocols.
– Preliminary tests and correlative experiments with ALBA beamlines.


The hired person will have the unique opportunity to carry out her/his job in the scientific active and lively environment of ICMAB and the synchrotron ALBA. During the first period, she/he will acquire the knowledge to master state-of-the-art techniques for organic thin films growth and novel characterization instruments with the purpose of performing SPM measurements correlated to experiments of  diverse X-ray beamlines at ALBA. The collaborative activity at international level will be an unique chance for a professional career.

Application and requirements:

** As the position is intended to start in October 2024, possible international candidates are requested to take into account the fulfillment of requirements in due term  through the CSIC job bank.

  • Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in Materials Science or Electrical Engineering or Physics.
  • Knowledge on Scanning Probe Microscopy, surface science and materials characterization.
  • Experience in synchrotron-based techniques will be considered an added value. 
  • Good level of English.

We encourage interested candidates to send a CV and motivation letter to the following researchers:

Dr. Daniel Martín-Jiménez:
Dr. Esther Barrena:

NOTE: Only preselected applications will get an answer and appointment to carry out an interview.

Please note that the deadline indicated is an estimation, and the position will remain open until we find the right candidate.