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SPM platform @InCAEM: In Situ Correlative Facility for Advanced Energy Materials (PRTR-C17.I1)

Scanning Probe Microscopy Platform within the InCAEM project 

InCAEM is part of the Planes Complementarios programme, launched and funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation together with the Generalitat de Catalunya, with the support of NextGeneration EU funds. InCAEM is led by ALBA and belongs to the Advanced Materials project, aimed at developing new sustainable materials to be used in batteries, electric vehicles or solar cells, among others.

The SPM platform will count with diverse SPMs within the ALBA synchrotron installations to provide the local probe characterization in correlative experiments with ALBA beamlines.
ICMAB is responsible of two laboratories housing three SPMs: STM/ncAFM under UHV (SPECS) and two FX40 (Park Systems) working in different environments from gas to liquids, one installed inside a Glovebox (MBraun).

Full updated information of the joint project can be found in the section “InCAEM” of the ALBA instrumentation website.