Children scientific workshops with Brother Thomas

October 29, 2023 Daniel Martín Jiménez (PCSI group) and Rosa L. Zaffino (FunNanoSurf), both from ICMAB-CSIC, organized a scientific workshop at the Science Night of Catalonia at CosmoCaixa. They rescued from the past the historical character of Fray Tomás de Berlanga, a monk whose life was devoted to Christian faith and science.

Children from 3 to 5 years learned about animals, fruits and vegetables as part of an educational and Nature care activity.

The activity was also carried out by Daniel Martin Jimenez with children living in towns of regions of the so called Empty Spain:

-At the public school of Berlanga de Duero on March 28, 2023. Presse release.

-At the public library of San Esteban de Gormaz, on December 28, 2023. Facebook release.

With illustrations by Valentina Varona Guitiérrez and text by Daniel Martín Jiménez, the book was published in 2023